
I am science

Hi together,
Under the hashtag #IAmScience, scientists shared their story on Twitter, including how they came to science. @Blugger started in German-speaking countries. I do not want to close my eye to that. The question for me would be: AmIScience ;-). Ultimately, I am the drama of the gifted child. The school was still going well. In the second class, I was diagnosed with a mathematical-scientific-logical talent and I was allowed into fourth grade immediately after the summer holidays. In middle school I was bad at school, I even received a blue letter in Latin, but that was due to the fact that I was a very successful youth goalkeeper in the FC-Football Youth, and accordingly always did my homework on the tram on the way to school.

When I stopped playing football, my spiritual powers began to grow again. Even at school, I noticed unanswered questions, but they were smashed down. Whether it is divided by zero in the definition of derivatives or that mass in the sense of a mass conservation clause must also be preserved in photons. My dear physics and math teacher in high school Doc Buchholz has repeatedly asked me to take math and physics LK. But I couldn't imagine a life just with numbers. So I decided to take the courses with the beautiful women and took German and Päda LK. Then I had A-levels and had a really passable average of 1.5. It was clear to me that I was now going to university and studying. The question was just what.

My old school friend Marius then persuaded me to physics and the old school friend Gregor was also there. The pre-courses were fun, especially the mathematics had a clear impact on me. Still, when I came to university, I thought my questions or ideas would be answered, that people would see it the same way as I do, and that stupidity would be put to an end. The opposite was the case. We have been tinkering with the axioms of real numbers, and we still couldn't divide by zero. There were also many new questions. I thought at the time I wouldn't be too stupid for this study. I swung the lectures for a week to get clarity on the questions. When I came to the lectures after the week, I only understood the station and also performed modestly in the exercises, where I was one of the best before.

So I decided to study law with two other schoolmates, Benny and Stefan. It went very well. The basic course of study had been passed after four semesters, then the main lecture in criminal law came. Without much effort, I had a predicate and otherwise also decent notes in the note. During the semester holidays I went skiing with my student colleague Benny to Kitzbühel. Since everything went so well, I took two physics books with me to read something again and buy a hobby for which I had time after the previous grades.

And then it hit me like a blow. What if there is a black hole in the middle of the universe and Einstein was wrong because he did not take the center of the universe. I was shackled. From then on I worked 8 hours a day on my theory and the four hours of the rest of the day I practiced law. I was really completely fascinated, because finally there was the possibility that my ideas from school could find a place in a theory and that they were not so wrong.

Unfortunately, my law studies at the University of Cologne suffered from this. Although I am still convinced that they had blacklists in the late 1990s and that someone had put me on it. Twice the assistant threatened me and suddenly I fell through in everything, in the last required housework, even though I had made the first partial ticket with a predicate and was in the top 10%.

After that, my life was a rollercoaster. Also the chemistry professor Müllen, his sign director at the Max Planck Institute, who had encouraged me to continue my physics studies, dropped me like a hot potato. A year later, I ended up on the street. Only packed with a sleeping bag, a pillow and the notes of my theory I migrate from Germany to Switzerland, since in detention, back to Germany, to France and back again.

I try to remember today how long I was on the street, but for the lack of a pocket calendar I really can't say that exactly. I can only say that since Diogenes (the philosopher who lived in the ton) no one had ever given up so much for his theory.

After that, the martyrship continued. Two psychiatric stays followed, not least because I had been quite cramped since the beginning of my studies. However, the last joint was more than 10 years ago, and my current psychiatrist, whom I asked again, advised me against it. In 2004 I started an apprenticeship as an IT specialist application development, because I wanted to do something in the direction, given that I had taught myself with 11 or 12 programming.

In 2006 towards the end of my training came time and strength for my theory. With my training colleague Bernhard Hagen, his sign schizophrenic to the tips of my hair like me, I worked out an essay on the equivalence of space and time, which resulted in the essay not only from E = m *c2, but also from the quantization of space-time. But despite several attempts at the annals of physics, for example, or nature, we did not manage to publish the essay, clearly we had not studied and not 5 professors who would have given us a lobby. In addition, I tried to substrate my findings at Wikipedia, but even there, theory was not allowed.

So I decided to make my own wiki on as a hobby on weekends. The absolute theory arose from it. Today I am at really good keywords with my wiki in the first ten or first twenty e.g. Division by zero, mass conservation rate, yang mills theory, energy conservation principle, structure of the universe, world formula, etc…

Yes, it would be a dream to eventually live off the Adsense revenues of the wiki, but by then I still think I still felt a million lines of code to write at my work.

Yes, that's the story of how I became a scientist or not. #IAmScientist or AmIScientist?

Dear greetings

Your Till

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