
Gregors Cesars Salad

Here is the salad from my friend Gregor: The recipe for the dressing comes from his mother. It's simple: salt, pepper, vegetable broth, pressed garlic, sugar, mustard, white balsamic, olive oil … in terms of quantity in this order : -)

Then you buy mixed salad in the bag at the Rewe. Add half a pomegranate, taking only the berries inside. And without oil roasted pine nuts are added. And cut half a red onion and add to the salad.

Through Gregor, the salad fever grabbed me a little. I still have to see if I don't get the recipe refined or make a modified Insalata Capricciosa.

See you

Your Till


Preparing rice

Hi together,

in case I haven't posted it here yet: My grandma showed me the way to make really delicious rice. Take 1 1/2 times the amount of rice of water. If you are unsure, fill the rice in a cup beforehand and then put the 1 1 / 2 times the cup of water in a saucepan. For this, one coated teaspoon of instant broth for every 1 1 / 2 cups, e.g. of Maggi (brew cubes are a bit more concentrated, since then less).

Bring that to the boil and then you add the rice. It is important that as a beginner you take paraboiled rice e.g. by Uncle Bens. Here, however, take the rice out of the bag. Now that you have poured the rice into the boiling water, take the lid of the pot and wrap a towel around it so that the undersurface is completely covered by the towel.

Now turn the hot plate on medium heat and do the lid with the towel on top. The secret is that the towel absorbs the condensation and does not get it back into the pot, making the rice disgustingly soft and spongy. Now leave the whole thing on the flame until there is no water left. Take care that the rice does not burn, so remove the lid with towel and stir.

Done, and you have the most delicious grainy rice there is.

P.S. If it is too grainy, you can still give in water with broth. I still salt the rice at the end, but this is also due to the fact that I like food salty 🙂


Set up another router to Telekom connection

Before I ever forget it again and then have to call the info hotline again, here is the procedure for how to use a router e.g. Netgear or Arcor to a telecom connection. The problem is that T-Online has 3 identifiers or user name, but a normal router understands only one user name. You have to write the first 2 identifiers (the long numbers) one after the other, then make a "A", the short identifier e.g. 0001. Then you have to attach the" to the " Thus, one turns the 3 identifiers into a user name, which Telekom also understands and which can also be entered into commercially available routers. The password remains the normal password, as it is also stated in the letter from Telekom.

Maybe this will save some of you some time.

Dear greetings

Your Till


Mother-in-law's nut cake

Recipe from my mother:

Lay out a large box dish with baking foil or baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180 – 200 degrees or 160 – 180 degrees in circulating air. Baking time: approx. 1 hour

Stir 200g Rama frothy
Stir in 250g "finest" sugar
Stir in 6 egg yolks one at a time for 1/2 minute each

Mix 250g ground hazelnuts with 1 teaspoon (heaped) of cinnamon and stir
200g chocolate leaves (e.g. by RUF)

125g flour. Stir in 1 heaped teaspoon baking powder.
Then 6 stiffbeaten (with big pinch of salt!) Under-lift the egg whites.

Insert iurge in the oven: 2. Level from below

This is my favorite cake from my mother, and it is baked for every birthday 🙂


Cauliflower with kerton


  • 1 cauliflower
  • 700 g minced meat half and half
  • 7 Cartofffeln
  • 1 egg, 1 bun, 2 large onions for minced meat
  • fresh milk
  • Mondamin Fix Sauce Binder
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Prepare the minced meat: let the bread rolls soak in water in a suitable container. 2 Peel and cut 2 onions. Put the minced meat in a bowl, add the onions, tear the soaked bun into pieces and add. Then add the egg. Salt and pepper heavily. Then knead the mixture until the bun has completely mixed with the minced meat. I always taste it and then add salt and pepper as needed. People with a weak stomach should leave it better, because you hit a raw egg in it, and there is always a risk of salmonella.

Then put the cauliflower in a saucepan after freeing it from the greenery and the strunk, and fill it with water so that the cauliflower is covered. Salt the water. (If the pot is very large, you can only cover the cauliflower 2/3 for the better taste of the brew.) Bring the cauliflower to the boil to 5 of 6 and then 10 minutes to cook on 4 of 6. Then take off the flame, the cauliflower should not be too even yet. Then season the cauliflower with salt and nutmeg.

Now place the cauliflower in a baking dish. Then fill the cauliflower water into a pot as measured. Add the same amount of milk. During my test I added 3 tablespoons of sauce binder. Unfortunately, the sauce was still a bit thin in the end, so next time I will certainly put 5 -6 tablespoons in it. Then heat the sauce to 5 out of 6 and let it cook for 5 minutes. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg and maggi broth to taste.

Peel and quarter potatoes. Bring to the boil in salted water on 5 out of 6, then cook for 20 minutes on 4 of 6. If necessary, increase it to 5 in between until soft.

Now add the sauce to the baking dish. Form the minced meat into balls and arrange around the cauliflower. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees (again, I'll try it with a little more heat next time) and then slide in the baking dish. Leave the whole thing in the oven until the meat quenching is through. This will certainly take another 20 minutes.

Good appetite 🙂

Cauliflower with kerton


Save the 4. Force

Today a somewhat thoughtful article. The Frankfurter Rundschau has gone bust. Not that this would particularly bother me, I found the design ugly from an early on with the green, etc… But it shows a trend: the Frankfurter Rundschau did not go on the Internet, was not a celebrity. That's why she had to fall. But is the Internet the universal solution for journalism, for the press, the fourth force in the country, the fourth force of the separation of powers?

So that with the Frankfurter Rundschau touched me so much because it belonged to the DuMont publishing house, for which my father, my mother and my grandpa worked, as journalists at the Kölner Stadtanzeiger. The @fischblog, his sign editor at Spektrum – Verlag, also speaks of a crisis in the print media. But the exodus of readers to the online media can be paid for at all.

I make with my absolute theory 1 cent per reader through AdSense, of course not everyone clicks, but the cut is a penny, I have 1000 readers a month when it comes up. I don't really care, I have a permanent job as a programmer, and writing is just my hobby. But if you extrapolate that, one cent per reader, then a newspaper with a circulation of 150,000 readers has, which I now naively equate with 150,000 readers on the Internet, just a daily budget of 1,500€. Everyone buys the newspaper for 1 cent instead of 50 cents or 1€. Of course, you can accuse my site of pseudo-theory, or that I don't cleverly place the ads, don't bet on the right keywords, whatever. 1,500 euros a day makes 45,000 euros a month, and you don't pay 500 people like the Frankfurter Rundschau. With this, if you still do advertising, you can afford only 4 or 5 people.

Yes, German politicians are crying out for the Performance Protection Act, which is supposed to channel money from Google to the newspapers. That the nonsense is in the execution is clear to everyone. I call the search engine as a taxi to promote my content and then shout "help, kidnap" when it does the same. Google, as I estimate it, is pure market economy, adwords and adsense prices are calculated purely in terms of market economy.

Nevertheless, no newspaper can live on it, as I have just calculated a little amateurishly. Google certainly has an economist who has to come up with a solution. The fact is that newspapers and journalists, who used to live better from their print advertising, may have been able to live too well. But the solution can only come from Google, they should think about how to replace this profane performance protection right, which must of course be rejected, with a sensible advertising pricing model.

Just my two cents

Your Till


Overlight speed

I would like to refer to this essay by two Australian mathematicians in my blog: articles on the speed of overlight Also they consider overlight speed possible and even bring it under one roof with the special theory of relativity. The linked paper is also interesting, it is simple in its own way, even if I haven't calculated every equation now. They predict, however, that superlight velocity would be without imaginary energies. Unfortunately, I have to disagree with that. They derive this from the fact that when the velocity v is infinite, the mass becomes 0. For example, since an electron has a small but > 0 mass, the attachment suggests that for overlight speeds v > c and v < unendlich die Massen > 0, but must be real.

Absolute theory also believes that at mass 0 the speed is infinite. So we agree on that. Also, the absolute theory assumes that for speeds greater c but smaller infinitely the mass is greater than 0. But since according to the absolute theory the range r * i here lies for r > 1, one cannot avoid imaginary masses and energies. The imaginary figures are > 0 under certain conditions.

But overall, the essay pleased me, even if they unfortunately still use Einstein's outdated addition theorem of speeds and so come to wrong conclusions. These are good guys and they are very far in the truth.

Links to this in absolute theory:


Intellectual property

My favoured party, the Pirate Party, rejects intellectual property and the term. Of course, the no longer scarce downloads on the Internet should be free of charge. Nevertheless, I do not find intellectual property a bad concept. I, too, have intellectual property in absolute theory. Nevertheless, I am inspired by Article 14(2) that this property is intended to serve the public good. I cannot compare myself to X-rays, but he did not patent his rays, and so his intellectual property served the general public. He is the discoverer and thus the originator of this radiation. I am animated in this spirit and have therefore put the absolute theory under GNU, everything is allowed. Nevertheless, I would like to be regarded as the originator of these ideas, let us not mention that everyone can use them informally. This was the first time I noticed this time, when I searched for the mass conservation clause a long time ago. The domain called Uniprotocols was high and they formulated that the mass conservation rate depended on the energy conservation rate according to E = m * c2. It would be new to me that someone had this idea in front of me when I had it in 1999. Today, my pub landlord Ümit also amazed me in the relationship. He said that in the field of teleportation and rapid transmission of signals in science, the focus is no longer on increasing energy, but on reducing energy. This idea, the antiproportionality of mass (= energy) and locomotion, i.e. the idea that faster speeds can be achieved by reducing the mass or even the energy, comes from me, if not everything deceives me. One, and also Einstein himself, always interpreted the equations of relativity in such a way that one would only come in the direction of the speed of light if one spent more and more energy. It would be nice if I would be recognized for such an idea at some point, because they are my intellectual property, as someone uses it for the common good, is right to me, as I said, they are under GNU, everything allowed. This is what everyone should do, protect their authorship, but leave the benefits to the Community. Of course, every author should be able to live well – would be a dream for me to really have money – but that would be the price that any society would owe to the authors, artists, musicians, filmmakers, producers and others for leaving their intellectual property to the general public.


The match against FC St. Pauli

I think we all agree that this game wasn't bad at all. It didn't get us out of the predicament that we didn't have a few points, but it was another game where we were closer to victory than the opponent. New acquisitions Bigalke and Ujah have shown that they are the hoped-for reinforcement for the offense. Bigalke in particular, who still seems to have conditional deficits, was convincing in the first half. Ujah is much further than many Cologne players in terms of understanding the game, that has to play out. The deficits in the defence were overcome, we were never bare, so the chances of St. Pauli were rather by chance. The team did a very good job. We need to work out even clearer scoring chances now. Of course, the goalkeeper of St. Pauli was the best man on the pitch and kept strong especially against Bigalke. But the scoring chances have to become clearer, so that a brister or a Ujah only have to push the balls over the line. There is still a lot of work to be done on the offensive game.

But overall, as in previous games, you can't be angry with the team, they learn and that's quick. And a very peaceful draw against our partner club St. Pauli can be tolerated, if not wished.
