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Spaghetti Bolognese

This is the original Italian recipe:

  • 200 beef from the intermediate rib or entrecéte
  • 200g pork
  • 80g sweet and salted bacon, unsmoked as possible
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 knife tip Vegeta spice mixture instead of a carrot and celery
  • 200ml beef bouillon
  • 1 glass of red wine
  • 20g triple concentrated tomato paste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 50g butter
  • 1 clove garlic

Chop the onion small and fry it with the diced bacon. For this purpose, you give a knife tip Vegeta. At the same time, cut the meat small and put it in the blender until it has Bolognese consistency. Now add the meat to the pot with the garlic clove and fill the whole thing with the beef bouillon. You then cook up briefly and let it simmer only slightly for the rest of the time, with me level 1 of 6.

The tomato paste is mixed with the wine in a good red wine glass. This is now added over and over again over the cooking time. You have to simmer it for 180 minutes. Finally, add the milk again peu peu. Then there's the butter.




Dear greetings
Your Till


Entrecéte au poivre vert

And another delicious French steak recipe. Entrecéte with green pepper! Take 1 thick entrecéte and flatten it with a meat hammer or with the principle in the last post. Then place them in the heavily heated pan and add a soup spoon with green peppercorns. Then let the entrecéte fry and turn it. Now add 7 centilitres of calvados or cognac and let the alcohol fizzle out. Then add another soup spoon of green peppercorns and let it fry to the end. Then remove the pan from the plate and turn it off. Now add two soup spoons of creme frache and let them melt. Then you also mix the roast juice with the creme Fraéche. It is important that the creme Fraéche does not cook, because otherwise it will clot, and that is unpleasant. Then salt and pepper.

Bon Appetit 🙂


Entrecéte marinée grillée

Hi together,

last Sunday I had marinated according to a French recipe from Entretes. That was saulecker. I'm now reciting the recipe for German.

For 3 people:

1 kg Entrecéte
2 tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
2 thyme branches
1 large bay leaf
2 tablespoons pepper
6 tablespoons olive oil
4 small glasses of red wine
2 tablespoons cognac or calvados
3 onions, best red

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and put them in a blender together with the other ingredients except the entrecéte and the salt. The onions and garlic are naturally peeled beforehand and crushed.

Then you take the entrecétes and flatten them like Wiener Schnitzel with a meat hammer. If one is not available, it can also be placed one after the other in freezer bags and flattened with any solid object.

Now place the meat together with the marinade in a bowl and cover it with aluminium foil. Don't be surprised that the marinade doesn't look beautiful at first! That is changing. You now let the whole thing go in the fridge overnight and you have a very tasty grill speciality.

According to Marmiton, it is better to do this with blackberries instead of tomatoes. However, their maturation period is only in August. And you want to throw on the grill beforehand.

Your Till


Mozles mariniére

Hi together,
Making French mussels, as on the Atlantic coast, is really very easy. First you get 500g mussels. Put them in a large enough pot. Now fill the pot with half water, half white wine, until the mussels are covered. Then you bring the whole thing to the boil. Cook it until the mussels are all open. It doesn't take that long. If a shell stays, it means that it is not good. It must be thrown away. When they are open, add a quarter of a pound of butter, half a packet to the brew, and turn the heat down. Now you refine the whole thing with parsley and chives and let it go through again for a short time… And done.

Good appetite and dearest greetings,
Your Till


Variation of Gödel's proof of God

Hi together,
I have already written about Kurt Gödel. Today I have developed a variation of his proof of God.

Fact 1: There is the cause – principle of effect

Conclusion 1: There is a source for everything

Explanation: At least our formation from egg and semen is a source

Fact 2: Life is positive

Explanation: Suicide rates for us and for animals would be much higher if this were not the case. Evolution would also have dried up quickly. Even those at risk of suicide are hoping for a reset or a return to a better world

Conclusion 2: There are positives and a source of this positive

Definition 1: God is defined as the source of the positive

Conclusion 3: Life is positive, so the source of the positive also lives, so God lives.


Dear greetings
Your Till


Mushroom pork smeared


  • 200 grams of mushrooms
  • 400 grams of pork smeared
  • Half can Schmand
  • salt, pepper, pepper sprout, cayenne pepper

Another simple dish in my blog. Take 200 grams of fresh mushrooms and snare them. In addition, you can snare 300 – 400 grams of pork, for example pork minute steaks. Fill the snorted ingredients into a bowl and season with salt, pepper and peppers. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Now let margarine either heat oil in the pan and put the braised in the pan. Roast well from all sides! If the meat is cooked, it is also the mushrooms. Now you add half a can of Schmand, as you usually get in the supermarket. Now you heat the whole thing again vigorously until the Schmand has the best consistency. Then take the pan down from the stove.

Tastes class!

Your Till


Why saving is not the right thing to do

Hi together,
Jesus already said that one should not worry about tomorrow. He will bring his own. In economic theory, there is the Keynesian austerity paradox. Keynes thinks that while saving can be useful to individuals, it is fatal for the whole, because then demand decreases and thus produces less, see Sparparadoxon.

This must now be linked to the categorical imperative according to Kant. Individuals should behave in a way that would be a universally valid law. Accordingly, because, as Keynes proved, there is no universally valid law on saving, the individual must not save either. This is as simple as that and Jesus' statement is proven with modern theory.

However, this should not be an invitation to throw all his money out the window. Nor should it encourage the government to deviate from its "austerity course". This is not really an austerity course, because they do not build up assets, but they reduce debt.

Dear greetings
Your Till


Why I think we live in a special time

Hi together my readers,

as one or the other knows, I have been attested to schizophrenia. I was not believed to be living in a special time. With the help of a friend on Twitter and a star app, I reproduced the sky in May 1999. I mean, that would be the star of Bethlehem, the cross as a sign of Jesus. But of course you can discuss it. But of course I know what I see and hear. In reality, I have also seen the constellation clearer, straighter and brighter. You'd have to check the mathematical basics of the app, but I hope it becomes clear.

I think there are fantastic times coming on Earth.

Dearest greetings,
Your TillStar ofBethlehemunedited
Star ofBethlehem


Means against nightmares

Hi together,
my psychopharmaceuticals were reduced, which led to more nightmares. However, I have been analysing the chemical formulas of psychopharmaceuticals for some time and have also taken three different ones in my life. A lot of me noticed a different nitrogen content, which also led to different improvements of my dreams. In addition, I remembered the six weeks I spent on the road in France and had the best dreams of my life. Well, outdoors, under plants there is relatively much nitrogen in the air at night. Then I counted 1 and 1 together and came to the conclusion that possibly nitrogen makes for good dreams and clear dreams. I recommend the following means:

Arginine is a hormone derived from nitrogen. It is mainly good for blood circulation. With me it led again for a pleasant night with pleasant dreams. But beware: as with everything, I am not a physician, I accept no liability for risks and side effects, except for intent and gross negligence. But the drug seems to be well tolerated for me so far and is also over-the-counter.

Dearest greetings and sweet dreams,
Your Till



As I have recently known from a Pakistani friend, coconut oil is a perfect hair care product. Simply grease neatly into the hair and then wash out again after two to three hours with normal shampoo. Hair get more shine and it also has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp.
Dear greetings
Your Till